Aura Energy Field Shift Charts - Before and After the short DNA Activation

Aura Energy Field ShiftCharts – Before and After the short DNA Activation

– Subject: British male, 40s, Therapist and Masseur

As of June 11th, 2014.

After the short 24 DNA Activation including negative cord cutting session, subject’s energy field was changed as you can see in the charts;

-More balanced
-Chakras are more aligned
-Suppressed energy (3rd chakra, yellow one, Solar plexus) was released and opened up. Massive shift.

This client had a brief negative cord cutting as well, and its effect is shown on his second and third chakras as he had suppressed emotions and energies in that field too. His throat has more energies, which will probably lead him to express his feeling more with love. Even a short session gives the positive influence on your auric / energetic field.

You can utilize our special June offer and book your session. Valid till the end of June.