★ Jan 10th Fri, 2020 – Remote Full Moon Cosmic & Galactic Transmission – by the Cosmic Ascended Master

Happy New Year and Wish You an Amazing Year!

Jan 10th Fri is the first Cancer full moon and Lunar Eclipse day in 2020, in the month of Capricorn. Year 2020 is the year to build the solid and secure foundation of your life in many aspects with love, and the ascension energy is even getting stronger.

Sometimes love is not always tender and it needs to be stern and sets the boundary. Saying yes and accommodating everything is not a true love.

We humans are not perfect and there are some aspects of us to need to get developed to become closer to the God consciousness in the physical body by even one small step closer.

What is stopping us is usually ourselves, our own mind, ego and emotions. If you feel in a certain negative way about yourself and your identity, whatever you do, it would not really have a full power to make a change to turn around 100%. We need to feel emotions without suppressing, however, we need to be in managing our own emotions, otherwise, you are not managing your life.

Shape your mind and emotions, then shape your life.

Question you need to ask this year is

How are you managing your thoughts and emotions, especially the dark ones?

Any manifestation in your life is based on your own energy and you also need to take a total responsibility of what is happening in your own life without accusing anyone else. This may be one of the hardest universal principles as many of us do not want to confront our own darkness, mistakes, and negative ego.

Darkness means: anger, shame, guilt, fear, jealousy, competitiveness, selfishness not caring others, etc. here.

At this remote group session, you will receive support to transform your dark aspects to light and manifest more positivity. In order to do this, one of the Cosmic Ascended Masters, ( I call her as J), will support part of the process to remove negativity. expel darkness, and download the full moon energy.

Outline of the remote session
– Cosmic Ascended Master J who used to be a powerful queen managing 13 tribes and expelling the dark energies together on the full moon day, using the full moon power in the stone henge day.
– After expelling the energy, they will remove their black gowns and release angelic energies to spread the light to heal you.
– After they finish, you will receive the Galactic Light transmission to fill the void with the light and set your energy for the new year 2020 to awaken your further.

– IMPORTANT Terms and Conditions – please read before you book. 
– This is a group remote session, so you can stay home or somewhere quiet, and receive the transmission.
– There is no individual QA sessions, Skype , phone or Zoom interaction, and separate QA private messages.
– You can do anything but please avoid driving a car and use a heavy machinery (as you may get sleepy).
– Once you sign up and pay the fee, please note that it is not refundable.
– After the session, you will receive a group short message (no private message).

Time and Date: Jan 10th, Fri,  2020. – UK time 1am- 2am in the morning.
Japan time 10am – 11:00am (60 min)


Jan 9th, Thu,  2020. – UK time 14:00. Japan time 9th Thu 23:00

Please book and pay from the Paypal link below. Paypal charge is included, no additional fee.
– Once you pay and book online, you will receive a Paypal payment confirmation as your booking confirmation.
– On the day when it starts, please intend to receive the energy.
– After the booking completion, please be aware it is not refundable.
– Please email us your full name, birthday, and address / post code of where you will be at as your responsibility. If  you don’t provide the info, we may not be able to redirect the energy to you properly even if you make a payment. In that case, we will use the address you registered for the Paypal payment.

Booking and payment by Paypal  – – Early Bird available. (Full price is 150 pounds)
