★Ivermectin reference as a PDF

Ivermectin reference as a PDF

Since a lot of censorship is going on in the major media and social media, many of us in the UK and Japan don’t know what Ivermectin is about. I heard about it but I didn’t become convinced until June 2021, when I found what had happened in India and some of the testimonials coming from Japan by Ivermectin for Corona prevention and treatment.

If you want to know about Ivermectin further, success cases abroad, why it is as an option for a Corona prevention and treatment, benefits, side effects, contra indications, and more, you can have a reference as a PDF version (information is as of July 17th 2021).

Offer 1 – If you book a session and can fill in the Covid Research Questionnaire Form, you can have this free.

Offer 2 If you can fill in the Covid Research Questionnaire Form, you can have this at 5 pounds.

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