Monthly Archives: October 2019

★Oct 31st Thu 20:10 – 22:40 – Warrior of Light work on Halloween day.

Oct 31st Thu- Warrior of Light work on Halloween day.

– Do you know Halloween day is the party time and holiday time for the dark forces? 
You should not celebrate it by placing a pumpkin (inviting them into your house), make-up and wear a costume (getting their energies on you) and any other celebrations as you would get cursed for generations.

These are the real guidance from the ex-Satanist and high-priest, serving to the darkness for 25 years in the past and working with them to spread the evil, but now is an evangelist.  Feel the energy of the Halloween. Feel the energy of people wearing make- up and costume. It is not heavenly at all.

On this day, we won’t be celebrating the Halloween, however, we are downloading, transmitting and spreading the Galactic Light to protect you, people and London.

– at 20:10 Initially we will be gathering at Liverpool street’s therapy room for about 1 hour for you to manage your energies, get the guidance, and have a guided meditation for you to get ready for this work. You will also have a protection around you before we start the field work.

– at 21:10 – we will be actually going to the central London’s area, patrolling and spreading the light till 22:30/23:00 (Hands on field work). We won’t do any functions like the Police, no danger, however we may help people who need  help, i.e. directions, unwell, etc. We will do some work to spread the light.

What to Bring:
‐ If you have a Pruba, an umbrella, please bring it with you.
‐ Please wrap up warm with a hat. You also need to wear a walking shoes, not a high heel shoes. If any accident and injury should happen, we won’t be responsible, so if you need to please have an insurance cover on you.

– Participation fee: 25 pounds (non-refundable)
– Payment: Please pay from here. 
– Pre-requisite:   Either  26 DNA Activation or the class 1 energy management class in advance.
– Gathering time: 20:25 at Liverpool street’s centre.

☆Mid Oct Newsletter – how to deal with money, offers, Michael Initiation, Law of attraction seminar, and more.

How have you been?

We are getting into the Scorpio month and it is a good time to look at your inner world and unconscious mind together with your behaviour patterns. .

How you deal with money – reflection of your inner world. 
So, some of you may feel this is a taboo topic to talk about with other people including your family and partner. How do you deal with money?
How do you receive?
How do you pay?

Some people often say,  ‘I don’t have money.’, ‘It’s too expensive for me’, as they may be feeling so as their financial situation is really stuck and they are not making money.

Question is why it is happening and how you can get out of that situation, right?

There are many ways to get out but today, one simple thing you can learn.

How can you create the good money circulation
Our school students are fully aware of this law, what comes around and goes around.
When you make a payment, how do you pay with what feeling? For example,
– Delay the payment due with the feeling of I don’t want to pay.
– Pretend there was an issue of the banking system and delay the payment.
– Just ignore the payment or complain why you need to pay so early.
– you don’t pay even though you received the goods or services. (last night, one woman did this to others, and I saw bad energy went to her straight away).

If you fall in the above patterns, you are showing your money blockages and are not creating the good financial circulation. People who have the above patterns often say they don’t have money or don’t make a payment within a deadline. You are giving off the negative energy, which means it will come back to you.

Our students know if they pay straight away within the payment deadline, they know the energy works and they start receiving the energy to make a change as they have already made a commitment, so it is even better for them to make a payment straight away as they can receive the energetic benefits longer.

Additionally, paying money shows your commitment. If you are not committing, you are still thinking whether you want to do it or not, wasting your precious time and energy. People who are driven and successful with commitment and actually have some good achievement, tend to pay straight away within the deadline, and they retain their energy and focus to build their wealth and future. If you keep saying to others, I will pay but not paying, how would you be able to create a trusting relationship with others? People are watching you and behaviours even if they are not saying anything in front of your face and assess whether they can trust you or not.

In order to make a change in life, you need to change your behaviour in your day to day life.

You can learn more how to create the good energetic circulation to attract money and opportunities more on Nov 9th Law of Attraction Seminar.

★ 9th Sat 10:00 – 18:00ish – Law of Attraction – Abundance & More Income @ Liverpool st
Is your life stuck and not moving forward? If you continue to apply the same mental, emotional, energetic and behaviour patterns with reactive mind, it would be difficult to make a change and achieve your goals. This workshop focuses not only theories but also hands on energetic work to make a change in your vibration and your unconsicous mind.

For further details, please visit here. Seats are limited so first come, first served.

☆ Offers in Oct. 
★25th Fri 12:00 – 12:40,  Psychic Reading Offer by our psychic initiate.@ Bond st.
– You can have a 30 min psychic reading. Non refundable 10 pounds by Paypal payment to book. Please email us to book your seat. First come, first served.

★26th Sat  16:00 – 17:30ish Emotional Healing with Crystal and Reiki @ Liverpool street station.
Offer – We are looking for 1 person who wants to receive about 80 min emotional releasing  Reiki and crystal healing session from 4pm including a short counselling and feedback time by our trained Reiki practitioner.
Fee: non-refundable 10 pounds by bank transfer before Oct 23rd.  After,, by Paypal 15 pounds.

☆ Nov 11th – Taurus Full Moon Meditation and Galactic Transmission. 
– We have changed the structure.
– Part 1 offers you 6 more free seats. This is for a guided meditation mainly.
– For Part 1 and 2, same format. 

For the details and bookings, please visit
(contents will be updated sooon)

☆ Original Usui Reiki Practitioner and Psychic Development Training. 
– If you are interested in the path of self-Reiki or Reiki practitioner, please visit here.  
– If interested in developing your psychic senses properly, you can start attending the psychic development course (level 3) at your preferred time. It consists of theories and hands on practice.

★ Nov 8th Fri 19:00 – 21:30ish – Archangel Michael Initiation Group Seminar @ Covent Garden
Only couple of times a year, this Michael seminar is available. If you seek for a connection with a higher power, learn the ancient powerful and effective protections and more, please visit the website.

★ Water Purification Activities 
There was a lot of heavy rainy days. Thames river is still smelly and dirty. In North London, water pipes were busted and water supply was stopped for a couple of days.  

In Oct, Nov and Dec, there will be a once a month water purification activity you can join. You don’t need to come and meet anywhere, but Kei will send you a channelled message and a guidance to what to do to purify the water in your area you  live, work or visit.

Once a month, you will receive a message to do a small activity and contribute to clean the water energy. If interested in, please sign up and join this activity. You can do this activity anytime you want and it is nothing complicated. One example is to stop running the water, when you are washing dishes as much as possible and save it.

Joining Deadline: Oct 26th. You will receive the first message in the 15th week.

Fee: 15 pounds by Paypal (non refundable)
– You will receive a message and channelled guidance once a month, in Oct, early Nov, and early Dec.


 ★ NEW – Psychic Reading consultation slots  – online booking
This is a trial at the moment but for a psychic reading and NLP session by Skype or phone, you can see the available standard slots and book it online.
– please book at least 8-12 hours before as I need to energetically prepare.
– For online booking, please visit here. 

Events in Nov, onwards

  • In addition to our events, there are special offers as well. Galactic Remote session, full moon event, and more are available. Please find more details from the link here.

Feel free to contact us and have a great day.




★26 or 40 DNA Activation
Have a look at the following sessions and activate or upgrade your core and divine energy for  the new year as your divine life creator. You are the director of your own life, isn’t it? If not, activate this energy and change your life.

– 26DNA or 40 DNA Activation  –  face to face session only
– Class 1 – protection and energy management  – online or face to face.

Life Consultation You can book a Psychic Reading

How to book our session  – please check our Contact page and send us an email. 

★Oct Newsletter – Pretence or Authentic? Law of attraction for abaundance, full meditation and more.


How have you been? Month of Oct is for love, networking, creativity, art, music and most importantly assessing what is important for you or not.

How many unnecessarily items do you have at home?
How clean is your place?
What kind of people would you like to spend your precious time with?
Who can you truly trust?
How is your behaviour? Trusting or just talking without actions and commitment?

These are some of the questions you may want to ask yourself and take actions accordingly to manifest your dreams.

What sort of dreams and wishes do you have?

Are you pretending and expressing something else, not your authentic emotions?
How honest are you about your feelings and how are you accepting them?

In order to transform your life and mental patterns, Law of Attraction for abundance and money workshop, psychic development course, Michael Initiation seminar, and more are available in Oct and Nov.

I use a lot of different techniques to transform my life including psychic senses and prepare the energy and my action plans. It took a long time but I have completed the Masters degree in Psychology from University of London, which was one of my dreams I definitely wanted to achieve. I am a psychic psychologist and lots of the guidance I receive is related to psychology and mental patterns. It was not easy to achieve but I could achieve this with lots of people’s support not only with my efforts. In order to achieve your goal, you cannot avoid some matters to handle properly. You can learn these in our classes and the Law of Attraction seminar in Nov.

Pretence, ignoring your emotions and thoughts, or accepting your honest feelings and thoughts.
There are many ways and approaches to make things happen, attract what you want and manifest your dreams such as love, money, status, career, academic advancement, house purchase, good friends, loving family relationship, good health and more.

I had to make an important decision about a year ago in the spring about my future, which direction and path I want to take? In order to make a decision, not only connecting with my honest feelings and thoughts, but also asking for information to many people and friends to analyse what the best option could be.

If you fake your emotions and ignore them, your future would reflect this. My first very painful experience happened when I was about 25 years old. I ignored my feeling of uncomfortableness with the managers I had interviews with when I was looking for a job. One of them was so mean which was on her face. I ignored my feelings but made a decision to take an offer as the benefits and career path seemed good for me. In the end, I regretted this decision as the managers were very mean at the new work place, but the colleagues were lovely.

This is just an example, but pretence and avoidance would not help you to manifest your true dreams. You need to be you no matter what, and this is getting more and more processed day by day at this ascension time.

Alcohol, substance, -> these are the ones to make you avoid facing the reality, and can harm your body.

Do you want to keep creating new dramas and wasting your precious time?
Or do you want to learn and grow?

Just talking about things especially out of dramas would not help you, and only actions really tell you what you really want.

What is your action?

Action and behaviours reflect your thoughts.

☆ Oct 12th Sat – Aries Full Moon Meditation and Galactic Transmission.
– We have changed the structure.
– Part 1 offers you 6 more free seats. This is for a guided meditation mainly.
– For Part 1 and 2, same format.
For the details and bookings, please visit

☆ Original Usui Reiki Practitioner and Psychic Development Training.
– If you are interested in the path of self-Reiki or Reiki practitioner, please visit here.
– If interested in developing your psychic senses properly, you can start attending the psychic development course (level 3) at your preferred time. It consists of theories and hands on practice.
★19th Sat 12:30-– Group Class 1 – Energy management, protection and meditation at Bond st (Or you can book at your preferred time)
★19th Sat 15:00 – 17:30 – Reiki Group seminar 1 (Or you can book at your preferred time).

☆ Offers in Oct.
★25th Fri 12:00 – 12:40, Psychic Reading Offer by our psychic initiate.@ Bond st.
– You can have a 30 min psychic reading. Non refundable 10 pounds by Paypal payment to book. Please email us to book your seat. First come, first served.

★26th Sat 16:00 – 17:30ish @ Liverpool street station.
Offer – We are looking for 1 person who wants to receive about 80 min emotional releasing Reiki and crystal healing session from 4pm including a short counselling and feedback time by our trained Reiki practitioner.
Fee: non-refundable 15 pounds by bank transfer before Oct 20th. After 20th, by Paypal 20 pounds.

★ Nov 8th Fri 19:00 – 21:30ish – Archangel Michael Initiation Group Seminar @ Covent Garden
Only couple of times a year, this Michael seminar is available. If you seek for a connection with a higher power, learn the ancient powerful and effective protections and more, please visit the website.

Michael Initiation Seminar

★ 9th Sat 10:00 – 18:00ish – Law of Attraction – Abundance & More Income @ Liverpool st
Is your life stuck and not moving forward? If you continue to apply the same mental, emotional, energetic and behaviour patterns with reactive mind, it would be difficult to make a change and achieve your goals. This workshop focuses not only theories but also hands on energetic work to make a change in your vibration.

For further details, please visit here. Seats are limited so first come, first served.

★ Water Purification Activities
There was a lot of heavy rainy days. Thames river is still smelly and dirty. In North London, water pipes were busted and water supply was stopped for a couple of days.
In Oct, Nov and Dec, there will be a once a month water purification activity you can join. You don’t need to come and meet anywhere, but Kei will send you a channelled message and a guidance to what to do to purify the water in your area you live, work or visit.

Once a month, you will receive a message to do a small activity and contribute to clean the water energy. If interested in, please sign up and join this activity. You can do this activity anytime you want and it is nothing complicated. One example is to stop running the water, when you are washing dishes as much as possible and save it.

Joining Deadline: Oct 15th. You will receive the first message in the 15th week.

Fee: 15 pounds by Paypal (non refundable)
– You will receive a message and channelled guidance once a month, in Oct, early Nov, and early Dec.

★ NEW – Psychic Reading consultation slots – online booking
This is a trial at the moment but for a psychic reading and NLP session by Skype or phone, you can see the available standard slots and book it online.
– please book at least 8-12 hours before as I need to energetically prepare.
– For online booking, please visit here.

Events in Oct, onwards
In addition to our events, there are special offers as well. Galactic Remote session, full moon event, and more are available. Please find more details from the link here.

Feel free to contact us and have a great day.


★26 or 40 DNA Activation
Have a look at the following sessions and activate or upgrade your core and divine energy for the new year as your divine life creator. You are the director of your own life, isn’t it? If not, activate this energy and change your life.

– 26DNA or 40 DNA Activation – face to face session only
– Class 1 – protection and energy management – online or face to face.

★ Life Consultation – You can book a Psychic Reading

How to book our session – please check our Contact page and send us an email.