Aphrodite Love and Beauty

Aphrodite  Love and Beauty Attraction Attunement/Connection (face to face only)
– Standard session:
£290 (1h 45 mins) includes  80 min’s 26 DNA Activation Standard session and a crystal stone (by Paypal, £300).

This session offers 26-Strand DNA Activation, and then connects you with Aphrodite’s energy. Goddess Aphrodite supports  people in love and beauty, and you will have support from her for your  relationships. After this attunement, you can directly connect with her  energetically, enabling you to manifest your wishes.

The Goddess of Love and Beauty, Aphrodite, will support you to attract romantic  partners and/or life partners, and to shine and radiate your own genuine love and the true beauty of your inner-self to others. You will be guided on a path  of discovering your own inner beauty and divine self-worth. During the session,  Aphrodite or Light-being comes in and often gives personal messages to you  through channelling.

– Standard session
– Brief Counselling
‐ 26 DNA Activation with the female DNA wand and activate the feminine energy.
‐ Remove energetic blocks for DNA Activation.
‐ Energy balance between female and male energy.
– Energetic Connection work with the Love and Beauty Goddess Aphrodite.
– Aphrodite energy transmission and her message
– You will also learn how to become connected with Aphrodite and received support after the session.

Expected results
‐ Shift at the energetic and conscious levels.
–  Become more feminine and gentle
– Nurture self and others
– Accept more about your feminine aspect and balance with the male energy within you.
– Build a better partnership or attract males/females for relationships
– Shift for the better balanced life.

Recommended sessions
‐ 26 DNA Activation
‐ Quantum empowerment  80 mins
‐ Deep Healing 1-3
–   Class 1  – energy protection and management.
- Law of Attraction Seminar

★ Testimonial
”(2-3 months after the session) I  have met such a nice guy and started dating him. I’m learning a lot from him and also I have received from offers from the agencies which I wanted to engage “(Japanese female, 30s, Sep 2016)

”I was feeling down as I lost love after some years. However, after the session, I met a guy I like and had a good time. I want to create opportunities to meet him. ”(Japanese female, 40s, Aug 2016)

”(One month after the session)More men come up to me, including my classmate to go out. When I went for a viewing, I also met a very nice owner of the room. ”(Japanese female, 30s, July 2016)

– ”I have received such a warm energy and message from Aphrodite. From the following day, nice guy approached me. (Japanese female, therapist, 40s)

– I could express my feeling and sexuality better than before. Different types of men started approaching me. (Japanese female, counsellor, 30s)

– ”Headache and shoulder pain are all gone and I feel so lighter. I also had a good dream nurturing me though I had had often bad dreams before the session.(Japanese female, 40s, )