Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cognitive Behaviour Hypnosis (CBH)

What is Cognitive Behaviour Hypnosis?  -> Hypnosis is integrated into CBT

Receiving only a conventional CBT session, there is a limit to its effect as it does not work on the energetic aspect of you and your subconscious mind, past painful memories including past life, as it mainly works on your mental and behavioural aspect based on what you share and think and a conventional CBT practitioner can only analyse your psychology based on what you share.

It’s good to have an analysis from someone professional, but our mind and brain can recognize only 5% of the entire consciousness. It is merely the tip of the iceberg. The subconscious mind is said 95% of the entire consciousness. If the client is not aware of his/her subconscious patterns, auto-pilot and automatic negative thought, or does not want to accept/avoid “a harsh unwanted reality” and his/her own weakness and not-recognized patterns and ‘illogical’ beliefs, the client would be struggling with getting over their challenges and issues. This is why a conventional CBT is said effective only about 50%, especially if your conditions are severe such as addiction, severe obesity, suicide, self-harm, chronic depression, eating disorder, OCD, substance addiction and more.  

In order to solve issues, it is vital to integrate and work on the subconscious aspects energetic aspects of you as you accumulate stress, trauma or painful thoughts, emotions, memories, and energies in your physical body and energetic bodies.

Therefore, after the psychological, emotional and behavioural analysis is made by CBT, it is recommended to add and receive an energetic session (Types 2-6). In this way, your transformation process is much quicker to reach your goal.

Psychological research has been made by Kirsch et al (1995) and it found that clients who received CBT AND Hypnosis showed 70% improvement over those who received only CBT.

★Sacred Womb Healing & Goddess Feminine Energy Empowerment

There is a data that many couples break up after Christmas or New years’ days in order to have a peaceful end of the year as much as possible.

If you had a difficult relationship, breakup and heart broken, this session is for you (ladies only).

★Sacred Womb Healing & Goddess Feminine Energy Empowerment

If you are a man, you can book a quantum empowerment session or psychic consultation.

Have a good day.


★Dreams come true – First Black (Ghanian-British) Tailor in the UK, Ozwald Boateng

Ozwald Boateng, the man behind the brand – YouTube

While I was researching related to obesity and the poverty in the most deprived area in the UK and at the same time watching Brian Cox’s TV programme on money tonight, this Ghanian-British shop came up, Ozwald Boateng on the luxurious street in London Mayfair.

Brian Cox was born in a poor family and in the poor area, and this guy was not born rich either but both of them have made their dreams come true in a massive scale using and developing their talents with passion.

I was reading about the poor health conditions in the most deprived area and it was refreshing, I thought about such a contrast in life.

Some achieving dreams irrespective of their undesirable circumstances and social disadvantages, and others cannot get out of alcohol and drugs, misery or poverty.

What makes a difference?

Ozwald Boateng, the man behind the brand – YouTube

★ Ivermectin reference as a PDF

Ivermectin reference as a PDF

Since a lot of censorship is going on in the major media and social media, many of us in the UK and Japan don’t know what Ivermectin is about. I heard about it but I didn’t become convinced until June 2021, when I found what had happened in India and some of the testimonials coming from Japan by Ivermectin for Corona prevention and treatment.

If you want to know about Ivermectin further, success cases abroad, why it is as an option for a Corona prevention and treatment, benefits, side effects, contra indications, and more, you can have a reference as a PDF version (information is as of July 17th 2021).

Offer 1 – If you book a session and can fill in the Covid Research Questionnaire Form, you can have this free.

Offer 2 If you can fill in the Covid Research Questionnaire Form, you can have this at 5 pounds.

How to Get itPlease email us and we will send you a short questionnaire form(PDF format). Your privacy will be protected as anonymous to answer your questions.

★ Intuition & Psychic Sense Development Introductory Video Course is available now

Intuition & Psychic Sense Development Introductory Video Course (stage 2) is available for all levels to start training.

Psychic development is not only learning a reading skill which is a pitfall many people are not aware of.

This introductory course is suitable for anyone who wants to develop intuitions and psychic sense, for example

  • you want to become more artistic, creative and inspirational in any creative work
  • you want to brush up on the accuracy of your reading capability
  • you want to sharpen your decision making senses in business and work situations.
  • you want to become connected with the higher dimensions and receive guidance

and such.

For further information, please click on the link here.

Psychic & Intuition Development Training | Galactic Federation Light Worker School (

Thank you.


★Why is BTS JUNGKOOK so popular? – Astrological & Galactic Energy Analysis (BTS 정국 왜 그렇게 인기가 있을까?)

Do you know BTS?

BTS’s Golden Manne, Jongkook, is very charming and popular all over the world. He has a lots of quality and downloads the galactic energy via singing and dancing, even from his off-stage playful time.

I’ve unravelled his attractive 5th-dimensional energy, Galactic energy from an astrological and energetic point of view. 5th-dimensional energy is the energy of paradise creation on earth.

This is one good example how you can manigest your life pupoer as a Galactic being.


(469) Why is BTS JUNGKOOK so popular? – Astrological & Galactic Energy Analysis (BTS 정국 왜 그렇게 인기가 있을까?) – YouTube


★3 New Videos posted – How to get over life challenges and awaken by 26 DNA Activation.

How to get over challenges in life and awaken by 26 DNA Activation.
DNA Activation shifted my life totally and helped me to get over challenges. It helped many others awaken and transformed their life, too. This topic has two other videos following.

Video 1 – How DNA Activation can help you to get over challenges and maximize your potential.
Video 2 – 2 key points to get over challenges and its process.
Video 3 9 dream manifestations triggered by DNA Activation, as one example. Kei’s case.

For more information about 26 DNA Activation, please visit the website below.