Class 2 – Level 1

Class 2) Self-Healing
Level 1 – Focuses on the relationship with yourself – 110 minutes

– Pre-requisite – Class 1 level 1
– It is based on some psychological modalities such as CBT

– Online private teaching – £210  by bank transfer.  Within 72h, £220  by PayPal 
– Face to face  private teaching –
£260  by bank transfer.  Within 72h, £270  by PayPal

* If you would like to have a post-review & follow up session to practice over the phone/Skype, it is 45 mins at £50.
– Anyone can attend.
– Please pay in advance.
– If you can attend and learn from our Reiki seminar level 1 for a self- healing in advance, that would be even better.

People are disturbed not by events, but by the views that they take of them’ (Epictetus c. 135)

If you go to a normal conventional counselling or psychotherapy, usually 10 sessions is one cycle and you may need to go several cycles depends on your mental and emotional conditions.

Humans have enormous amount of accumulates memories, emotions and thoughts and can you imagine how long it would take for you to deal with them, heal and make a change if you go for a conventional therapy? Sometimes, you don’t want to have things you feel shame or deeply wounded and you don’t want to even want to mention about a specific something though it is all set as a confidential circumstances.

In this class, you will learn how to become aware what is going on within you and learn how to heal your emotional and mental scars in a simple but effective both psychological and energetic method. Since it involves a simple and easy to follow energetic healing integrated, healing and transformation is quicker and you can deal with whatever the issues at home anytime anywhere once you learn it.

First and for most, establish a good relationship with yourself…
Using the essential tools you learned in Class 1, Class 2 level 1 teaches you self-healing techniques that focus on relationships both with yourself and your inner world. It is essential to have a healthy relationship with yourself both mentally and emotionally to have a happy life, especially before providing any therapies for others if you are therapist.

Wherever you go, you are with yourself 24/7. If your relationship with yourself is disturbed, you would not be able to be happy and peaceful in a true sense however successful you are in the physical dimension.

During this class you will be supported in learning how to heal and transform yourself both energetically and emotionally. You can then use these tools for your mental and “energetic” good health.

Before you start healing others, you need to release and heal your emotional and mental wounds, negative feeling, blocks, jealousy, competitive mind to others, addictions, ego and various traumas and more. This class aims to bring your energetic and mental conditions up to an appropriate level in order to become happier and healthier.

One to one class includes private counselling and mentoring that supports an individual’s needs in order to be healed. It also has time of hands on practice to heal yourself.

You will learn and acquire all the skills below.
– Inner connection with self
– How to check your own mental and emotional state
– Your “positioning” and its interpretation of self
– Why things happen in your life – ancient  wisdom and how to transform you and your mental states
– How to locate and scan energetic and emotional blocks and issues in your “auric” field. You will learn practical hands-on techniques and how to raise your energy level, and also how to release your ego and with it, negative energies.
– How to release negative energies and emotions and heal yourself both energetically and mentally

In order to:
– maintain your energetic, emotional and mental health
– love and accept yourself
– improve your esteem
– reduce stress, anger, and improve relaxation
– gain peace of mind
– have a healthy relationship with yourself
– be less influenced by external forces and  events
– heal yourself first before healing others

* A brief report will be required to be submitted within one -two months.

* Please bring paper and pens.

* It is recommended to receive a DNA Activation.
* Cancelation and rescheduling policy – 2ithin 48hours of your class, 50%, within 24h, 100% will be charged. Please notify us by email soon.
* Please arrive in time. If you are late, you will lose time for the learning.

Client Feedback and Experience
“I was tackling this and that in a very structured way and I’m amazed I still had unexpected emotions still there. I felt I’m much lighter and healed and noticed definitely the patterns I had. I could change my patterns and I am more detached. Life is easier with a healthy boundary.”
(English male,  20s, psychic, Aug 2017)

“Thank you so much for the class till late. Since I attended the class, I started practising heling and have some realizations which I didn’t have before. I am noticing various feelings and dealing with them step by step. ”
(Japanese female,  30s, Italy Jan 2017)

”I feel it is not easy and painful sometimes to face what I really feel but I understand now why I need a self-healing. I am digging deeper now to find what I have within me. ”
(Japanese female, 30s, Corporate, Jun 2014)

“I noticed my accumulated negative emotions and myself soaked into these. I have to settle what I have done and caused. I learned that if I don’t have enough love my heart, I’m hurting myself and others.
(Japanese female, 30s, massage therapist, 2011)