Deep & Trauma Healing – Face to face session only
– Standard treatment: £230 (80 min) (£240 by Paypal within 96h/4days).
– If you cannot make a face to face session, an alternative online/remote session is available.
Within the energy field there are accumulated energetic trauma and wounds seen as blockages. By healing these wounds and dissolving blockages. You will be able to regain your power and self-esteem and you can become healed mentally and energetically. This healing modality can combine various healing methods and offer customized healing to meet your needs. If you are distressed in your relationships and daily communications with others, it is highly recommended.
- This session is recommended after you complete the Quantum Block Release/Exorcism, and get rid of unwanted being within you and around your energy fields.
- It can be completed at 3 sessions, however, it may take 4th session if you had trauma, addiction, self-harm, suicidal, depression, deep emotional wounds, etc. It tends to take longer if a client is older as he or she has some accumulated energies longer than younger people.
Standard Treatment
– Counselling (If you have any mental illnesses, please let us know in advance)
– Energy scan
– Session 1 – Cord Cutting / Session 2 – Ancestral Karmic Code Cutting / Session 3 – Spell Removal
– Psychic Surgery (Blueprint Alignment)
– Healing your energetic wounds and trauma
– Releasing of trapped negative emotion.
Customized treatment including the Psychic Surgery, consists of three/four treatments
Please let us know what your symptoms and conditions are, and we will customize a treatment for your needs.
- 1st time – On your physical level including Cord Cutting & Deep Healing
- 2nd time – On your physical and mental level including Ancestral Karmic Code Cutting
- 3rd time – On your mental level including Spell Removal
- 4th time – finishing off the rest of the psychic surgery.
* If you have any mental illnesses, please let us know in advance in order to give you a better treatment, and please continue to see a doctor. If you are mentally very unstable we recommend Ensof Ray Healing first.
‘Kei is by far one of the most beautiful healers and teachers. Balanced, warm and efficient in her approach. Recommend her highly. I received the class 1,which was very thorough in the knowledge and in the processes. After receiving the deep healing feel so much has shifted so quickly, Truly Amazing work! Thank you Kei.’
(English male, psychic healer, 20s, Jan 2017, London)
“It really changed my beliefs and perceptions. I feel so much clearer after the session and stopped worrying things. (Japanese female, in her40s, March 2016)
* Will be translated in English later..
“ディープヒーリングの後すぐには、わからなかったのですが、その後どんどん元気になっています。朝もすっきりと目が覚めまして、以前気になっていたことも気にならなくなってきました。” (日本人女性、20代, 2014年10月)
“ディープヒーリングをして頂いてからとても身体が楽になり、以前は飛行機に長時間乗っているととても疲れ切っていたのですが、今回は肩こりも頭痛もせず、楽に乗れました。また、お腹や胸のあたりが何もないのに痛い時があったのですが、それもなくなりました。気持ちの面でも、あまり思い悩んだりすることがなくなって、とても楽になりました。両親も先祖ヒーリングの影響もあるのか、以前ほど干渉しなくなったと感じています。まだまだ自分自身見直していく部分も多いのですが、セッションを受けてとてもクリアにしてもらえたので、本当に良かったです。(日本人女性、20代, 2014年6月)
– “2度目のディープヒーリングを受けた後、体の感じが軽く、昨日変に感じたところがなくなっていました。家に帰ってそのまま久しぶりに長い昼寝をしました。その後ハウスコンサートをしたのですが、やはり今までとさらに違う感じ、光が流れ出る様な感じでおもしろかったです。“(男性、音楽家、30s)
– ”手術中にヒーラーさんの手からリズムのいい音楽が聞こえてきた。ふわふわしたいい感じ”(30台女性)
Terms and Conditions
– Advance booking and payment are required.
– Please read the contact page for further information when you book.
– If you have any severe psychological issues, personality disorder and physical illnesses, please continue to see your GP.
– There is an individual difference on how you feel and what you sense during and after a session.
Cancelation and rescheduling Policy:
– Within 48 hours of your appointment date there is a 50% cancellation charge, within 24 hours there is a 100% cancellation charge. Please email and notify us as soon as possible when you need to make a change. (Farringdon is from 8 days before if it is after 4pm on weekdays).
– Please arrive on time, 5 min before. If you are late, you will waste your session time as the session will be conducted as scheduled.
– We recommend you to travel with plenty of time as you know how dysfunctional the public transportation can be in London.