GFLS (ARMMS) Initiation Seminar 2 – Galactic Federation Initiation
Once you are initiated to become an GFLS initiate (Outer Circle/Inner Circle), you may be called to become initiated under the Galactic Federation. This is conducted by the school and Galactic Federation’s invitation when you are ready or have energetic contract with the Galactic Federation, with your agreement.
Once you become initiated as a Galactic Federation’s initiate, you will be requested to do activities monthly with the school to spread the light and love from the Galactic Universe to support the ascension of this dimension.
As of May 2017, there are some Galactic Federation initiates in Japan and London.
Fee: 2.5 hours for the initiation, energy work and the energy alignment work for you to become connected with the Galactic Federation as an initiate. £300
– Pre-requisite: AK2 DNAA, its Light Body Transformation theory workshop, GFLS Initiation
Cancelation fee: Within 7 days 50%, within 3 days 100%.