Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage (& Healing)

What is an Indian Head Massage? 

Indian Head Massage is based on the ancient Ayurvedic healing system using the upper Chakras and this tradition is still carried out in modern India today. This is often known as Champi, Champissage or Indian Champissage, the efficiency of the circulatory and lymphatic systems improves, toxins are dispersed from tense muscles and flexibility and fluidity of movement is restored.

The head, more than any other part of our body represents who we are. It is the centre of our nervous system, and home to our identity and intelligence. The Chakra at the top of our head (Crown Chakra) is the one we use to communicate with our higher self. If our head feels good, we feel good.

The Indian head massage does not use oils; however our therapists may use it on your shoulders and neck for a smooth treatment.

History and its Benefits.

Although Indian Head Massage has existed India for many years it has only recently started to gain popularity in the West. This massage works on areas of the body particularly prone to stress, especially the neck and the shoulders where tension affects major muscle groups, it can often bring immediate relief.These tensions are eased and fibrous knots and nodules melt away.

Massage works on below;
Muscles of the Head
Muscles of the Neck
Muscles of the Shoulders and Upper Back 

Regular massage provides various benefits physically, mentally and emotionally. Here are some examples.

Physical benefits

  • Pain relief
    Pain relief is one of the most common benefits of massage. Massage stimulates the secretion of endorphins (the feel-good hormones), relieves pain, tension and headaches. It helps conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia as well as neck and back pain.
  • Detoxification and better circulation
    Massage shows helps in flushing out toxins and waste products through the lymphatic system and helps in improving the blood circulation with more nutrient and oxygen to body cells. Better blood circulation leads to softer, clearer, as well as healthier skin
  • Alleviation of inflammatory conditions
    Inflammatory conditions like tendinitis and arthritis are treatable through massage performed for making the muscles loose and relaxed.
  • Promotes flexibility
    Regular massage supports your body to become flexible in muscle and joint areas, and it works on reducing susceptibility to muscle injuries.
  • Controls blood pressure
    According to a clinical study, it has been observed that even a short and simple touch can result in an instant fall in the blood pressure levels. It forms a great way towards maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Therapeutic abilities
    Massage also has numerous therapeutic abilities. This has led to including massage therapy as an integral part of post-operative care to shorten the stay at NHS.

Mental benefits

  • Allays stress
    Cortisol, a stress reduction hormone, is released generously during massage sessions and helps in reducing stress. Massage improves the emotional health as it makes you feel nurtured not only become relaxed.
  • Reduces anxiety levels
    With lower stress level, anxiety automatically takes a lower place. Relieving yourself from anxiety not only makes you feel better but also improves your mindfulness state with peace of mind.
  • Improved concentration
    Massage makes you feel calm and relaxed thus improves your focus and concentration. Furthermore, it can lead to better productivity and creativity.
  • Better sleep There are numerous people suffering from depression, anxiety, stress or some other illnesses which is a cause for insomnia or a lack of sleep. Massage therapy provides a relaxed body and mind which forms the primary step towards making your body and mind ready for a sound sleep.
  • Improved mood
    Massage has been used as a treatment therapy for those going through depression. This indicates the therapy’s capability of lifting a bad mood. It relaxes your mind through gentle touch.

Before and after your massage, you will have a brief 1-2 min consultation and feedback time.

1) Indian Head Massage

    • Fee:
      – 25min @ £50 can be booked to add to other session.
      – 50min @ £110
  •    Payment: Please pay from the Paypal link here.  Or Bank transfer possible if is it 96h/4days before.

2) Indian Head Massage with Reiki Healing
Massage Therapy session can be combined with  Reiki to release pain and stuck energy from your body and mind.

– Bond street or Moorgate/Bank


Thank you so much for a deep tissue massage. I’ve really enjoyed it and it helped reduce muscle soreness caused by a heavy weightlifting session at the gym earlier that day.”
(Serbian male, Construction, 40s, Feb 2015)

”Her hands were so warm and I thought she was using something like a heating devise. Even after a massage, I was so relaxed and it was hard to get up from the treatment table. With firm pressured massage to all of my body, my back and leg tension from stress and work is so much better (British male, Banker, 40s, Oct 2014).

”My life is so busy with social and work and I had pain in my back and lower back. After a massage, my shoulder is better and my body became so much lighter. “(Australian female, finance, 30s, July 2014)

”My back and shoulders are so tensed as I’m always so stressed. After a session, I was so relaxed but wanted to have more than one hour. (Italian male, business owner, 40s, Oct 2014).

”I was very stressed at work and the massage therapy was very relaxing and I didn’t feel like getting up from the table. Her hands are so soft and warm, very nice (Italian male, 20s, business analyst, Oct 2014).

”My construction industry’s work is really tough mentally and physical and my stress levels is so high. Massage therapy eased my leg, back and shoulder tension and I feel so much better.”(Serbian male, 40s, construction company, Aug, 2014)

Terms and Conditions
– Please read in prior your booking

  • When you book, we will email you the consultation form and ask your physical and medical conditions. Please fill in the form and send it back to us in prior your session.
  • It is not a sexual massage and we will not touch your private body parts.
  • Please wash your  hair a day before or your appointment.
  • Please arrive 5min before as your session will be conducted as scheduled.
  • Advance booking is required.
  • Payment can be made by bank transfer. If preferred, Paypal payment is also available with Paypal charge +3-6%.

Cancellation Policy

  • Bookings depend on availability of time and space and can differ depends on a date.
  • When you need to cancel, please contact us by email in advance till it’s confirmed (Text message may be delayed due to the network failure and please contact us till we reply you).
  • 50% charge will be applied within 48 hours (Minimum £30), and 100% charge within 24 hours of your booked session.
  • If you would like to combine with healing, coaching and hypnosis, please come to our therapy rooms.