

Welcome to our page of the Mystery School Initiation!
You can become connected with the Hierarchy of Light and work together with them as a Light Worker.

There are two types of initiation to join the Lineage.

 First – Archangel Michael Connection and Initiation (Outer Circle)
- Pre-requisite: Amaterasu 28 DNA Activation & Class 1 -level 1 Energy management class
- This is suitable for people who would like to become connected with the Light and shift the energy and vibration at the personal level. You will be supported to become more positive emotionally and mentally, and have the connection with the Archangel Michael for your spiritual growth.

 Second – Hierarchy of Light /Galactic Federation Initiation 1 – Outer circle
– Invitation only and not open to everyone. 
–  You can attend this seminar after the first Archangel Michael Initiation, if allowed by the Hierarchy of Light (please note it is not guaranteed to be able to have this initiation). It is recommended for you to complete the Self Mastery Course first, or the Healer Training Level 1 training course.
– This initiation is suitable if a person would like to not only seeking for their own happiness, but also spreading more love and light as a Light worker to serve for other people’s happiness.
– Occupation does not matter and you don’t have to become a healer. You can spread love and light in your own unique way such as as a mother, father, pianist, nutritionist, therapist, psychologist, dancer, doctor, artist, musician and more.
– You will be initiated and join the Mystery School Lineage and become a member of the Hierarchy of Light.
– Please note that initiation is not a fashion thing and it is not a sacred ceremony for you to work together with the Hierarchy of Light, so we don’t accept anyone who just join our lineage as a tourist and move onto somewhere else. Once you are initiated, you are meant to work together with the Hierarchy of Light.  If you belong to other occult groups or spiritual organizations and schools, it is not recommended either.
– We assess your energy and invite you if you are interested in, ready and meant to be.

Invitation only – not available to general public openly.
* These are the Inner Circle. These are for the initiates who work together with the school and do activities for a long term to spread the love and light. Invitation only.
  Galaxy Federation Initiation to become a Galaxy Federation Initiate.
★  Teacher training for the Inner Circle initiates.