How have you been? Such a nice day today and hope you enjoy the sunshine this weekend.
Since the Galactic Temple work in May, Ashtar presence is stronger and his team is guiding us to awaken future leaders/guides in this field quite a lot. In May, many channelors including the potential ones have come to us and they have been activated by DNA Activation. Couple of them were coming from overseas.
After the Taurus energy, we have moved into the Gemini energy, and this is a good time to strengthen the pipe with the higher dimension and have a way to communicate with them. Having said that, if you have attachments and energetic clutters in your auric field, they interrupt your evolution and you may have some conflicts within your mind quite a lot not moving forward by thinking of the material and monetary value mainly for example. If you miss the timing and opportunities by indecisiveness, you would procrastinate your progress too, so this month is a good time to look in how you get conflicted or two minds are arguing within your mind. Gemini’s air energy is light and quick, so it is better to utilise this aspect as much as possible.
Our life is beyond the physicality.
Events in June
In June, there are some new events for participants to learn something and make a change in life, such as
– a guided meditation and universal wisdom application to your life on Jun 10th,
– Summer Solstice special face to face 50 min session offer on 21st and
– Summer Solstice Remote Galactic session on 21st,
– besides Reiki seminar level 1 and class 1 in group.
Separately, Reiki training 2 is on July 13th Sat so if you are interested in becoming the Japanese Usui Reiki practitioner, please also visit our Reiki training webpage. If you would like to book Reiki seminar level1, please contact us.
Details are on our web site.
Have a fabulous day and looking forward to seeing you soon.
★5th Wed 12:00 – 12:40 – Psychic Reading Offer by our psychic initiates (non-refundable 10 pounds. Please contact us) @ Bond st.
★ 7th Fri 12:00- Sacred Geometry Site Protection Workshop @ Bond street
★10th Mon – Mindfulness Guided Meditation and Universal Wisdom @ Covent Garden
★ 16th Sun – 12:10 – 13:35 Sagittarius Full Moon Guided Meditation & Galactic Light Transmission. @ Covent Garden
★16th Sun – 13:40 – 15:05 Emotional, Mental Healing & Psychic/Intuition Development Learning @ Covent Garden
★21st Fri 11:30/12:30/13:30/14:30- Summer Solstice Special 50 min Private session Offers- Bond st.
★21st Fri 22:30 – Summer Solstice Galactic Light Transmission by Remote Group Session including the Sacral Chakra Healing.
★22nd Sat 12:30 – 14:20 – Group Class 1 – Energy management, protection and meditation at Bond st.
★22nd Sat 15:00 -17:30ish – Reiki seminar 1 as a group workshop at Bond st.
★26 or 40 DNA Activation
Have a look at the following sessions and activate or upgrade your core and divine energy for the new year as your divine life creator. You are the director of your own life, isn’t it? If not, activate this energy and change your life.
– 26DNA or 40 DNA Activation – face to face session only
– Class 1 – protection and energy management – online or face to face.
★ Life Consultation – You can book a Psychic Reading
How to book our session – please check our Contact page and send us an email.