
Our face-to-face session is conducted at one of the locations below in central London Zone 1. Location of your therapy session depends on the nature of your session, the capability of the room and also the availability of the room. Therefore, we will check their availabilities and confirm the location when you book a session. Details of the location will be given upon your booking and payment confirmation.

Please bear in mind that some of the rooms take longer to confirm their availability so please email us 3-4 preferred times and dates you would like to book at least 2-7 days before your preferred day to book a session. In order to complete your booking, an advance payment is required.

Update – Currently, location will be mainly at Moorgate/Bank station. Bond street is mainly for bodywork and massage sessions either Fri or Sat.

Ad-hoc room hiring – we are looking for an ad-hoc room hiring in North London (Zone 1 and 2). If you offer, please contact us.

London – Moorgate 6 minutes / Bank 5 minutes
– For all sessions including massage and bodywork.

London -Bond st. – 6min This place is mainly for massage, bodywork or exercise session.
After the centre is renovated, you may hear music, piano or musical lessons but they are not loud. If you prefer a quieter room, you can make a request and book a bodywork/massage session at Moorgate/Bank but it is a limited availability there.
For an exercise workshop, we will use a dance studio.

London ‐ Farringdon 12 min
For hypnosis session, or if Moorgate rooms are not available (rare).