★July Newsletter – Offer – Quantum Psychosomatic Detox & Restructuring Session – 7th Class 1, 8th Reiki 1, 16th Full Moon & Galactic Transmission, 26th Michael Seminar.

Hello, how are you?

So hot today in London! Good time to receive lots of sunshine and have Vitamin D in your body.

More and more people are coming as they have symptoms in their bodies and mind, but there is no specific cause or diagnosis given by medical professionals. Even if they are given, medication or conventional talking therapies haven’t been really effective to make a change to them. Anti-psychosis drugs and anti-depressant medication may be working but it hasn’t totally got rid of depression and personality disorder.

In another case is, some people repeat same patterns and like a mouse in a wheel, they cannot get out of the bad reality and don’t know how to do or what to do to make a change sometimes.

Do you know why?

If you work on the effects or the results, you will never ever be able to make a change from the cause. You are just treating a symptom and mask it, but not making any fundamental changes. You need to work on yourself, learn the patterns and make a change all from your mind, body and emotion from the cause. Cause goes back to past lives, hundreds years ago and could be more. I experienced many of my past lives, and healed a lot including the ones, captured, tortured, killed, deceived, raped, homeless-death, starved death, abused, etc in the past lives and my bad experiences in my spirit time and re-connected myself with the Source.

Having said that, it is not that simple, and you need to also create a new reality, not only healing and releasing all the pain, therefore we support you quantum aspects of you in this life time, past lives and the future life using various tools and energies.

There is a new integrated session called Quantum Mind Body Emotion Psychosomatic Detox and Restructuring session, and you can receive this during the summer at a special rate to release pain and move on in life with happiness. Details is from here -> Quantum Mind Body Emotion Psychosomatic Detox Session

If you would like to learn how to make a change in your life,
-★7th Sun 15:30 – 17:20 – – Group Class 1 – Energy management, protection and meditation at Bond st
★8th Mon 18:30 – 21:00 –  Reiki seminar 1 at Covent Garden (Booking deadline is July 2nd).
– 13th Sat 10:00 – 18:00ish Reiki Seminar level 2 – practitioner level. ( if interested in, please receive Reiki 1 and required sessions) 
– 26th Fri  18:30 – 21:00 – Archangel Michael Initiation Group Seminar @ Covent Garden
-Psychic development course
-Psychic healer training course
and more, are available.

Please find more details from our website and event page.

Have a good weekend!



★7th Sun 15:30 – 17:20 – – Group Class 1 – Energy management, protection and meditation at Bond st
★8th Mon 18:30 – 21:00 –  Reiki seminar 1 at Covent Garden (Booking deadline is July 2nd).
★12th Fri 12:00 – 12:30 – Psychic Reading Offer by our psychic initiates (non-refundable 10 pounds. Please contact us) @ Bond st.
– 13th Sat 10:00 – 18:00ish Reiki Seminar level 2 – practitioner level. ( if interested in, please receive Reiki 1 and required sessions) 
★ 16th Tue afternoon  –  Capricorn Full Moon Guided Meditation & Galactic Light Transmission.  @ Covent Garden
★ 16th Tue night  –  Galactic Light Transmission  by Remote Group Session including the Sacral Chakra Healing. 
– 26th Fri  18:30 – 21:00 – Archangel Michael Initiation Group Seminar @ Covent Garden


★26 or 40 DNA Activation
Have a look at the following sessions and activate or upgrade your core and divine energy for  the new year as your divine life creator. You are the director of your own life, isn’t it? If not, activate this energy and change your life.

– 26DNA or 40 DNA Activation  –  face to face session only
– Class 1 – protection and energy management  – online or face to face.

Life Consultation You can book a Psychic Reading

How to book our session  – please check our Contact page and send us an email.