Space Clearing & Blessing – Home and Office Space

House and Space Clearing, and House Blessing

This session clears enegies in your house, flat, or office, and bless the space. In any space, unless you clear the eneries, peoples’ (incl. dead people) thoughts, emotion can be left there and become stagnated, which can create unwanted vibrations and cause troubles in money, health, relationship, love, and more.

If you feel something uncomfortable or not feeling right when you are stepping in a space such as a house, restaurant, hotel, etc, that can be the case you may be feeling undesitable energies and residues left over there.

Epesically, it is recommended to have a space clearing session 
– You moved into a new house or office. -< it is better to clear the left over energies from the previous tenants.
– You feel funny and uncomfortable some where in the house or in the office.
– Your business does not get better after you moved in.
– After you moved in, things are funny and your life seems not getting better financially, emotionally and more.
– Your business went bankrupt.
– You seem to have all the problems in life such as redundancy, divorce, relationship difficulties, family issues, financial issues, etc.
– You have a paranormal phenomena going on in your space.
– You are constantly mentally or physically ill.

If anything above is applicable, it is recommended to have this session. It is the best if we can visit you but if you prefer, we can conduct a remote session as the initial session.

We will clear the energy, fill the space with the light and bless the house/office, and more.

* Due to the pandemic situation, only a remote session is available. 

– Type 1 (Light Energy Work) – mainly for Space energy clearing & blessing by remote work
–  you don’t really have any problems but would like to clear the energy in your house or office.
– We will clear the energy and bless the space.
– This session intends to shift the vibration up in the space by clearing negative energies, stuck energies and more.
– It includes 30-60 min consultation and feecback over the phone. Clearing and blessing take about  1.5-2 hours per session.
– Please send pitcutures of the house from the outside, entrance area, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, hollway, reception, eacn bedroom and any other room you have.

Fee: Below is by bank transfer. If by Paypal, it will be additional 5% charged. 
Residential Space
– Up to 1 bedroom flat or house(Eg 1 reception and 1 bedroom):  from £450-
– Up to 2 bedroom flat or house(Eg 1 reception and 2 bedrooms): from £650-
– Up to 3 bedroom flat or house(Eg 1 reception and 3 bedrooms): from £950-
– Large house or flat with more than 3 bedroom – please contac us.

Office Space
– Up to 30 sq2 meter: from £900
– Up to 60 sq2 meter: from £1200
– Up to 90 sq2 meter: from £1500
– Over 90 sq2 meter large office – please contac us.

– Type 2 (Standard) by remote work
–  You may have issues in the house and would like to have stronger clearing and blessing sessions.
– This session intends to shift the vibration in the space by clearing negative energies, stuck energies and more.
– If any abnormal phenomina is happening in your space, you need to have sessions to clear your energies too.
– It includes 1h consultation and a brief feedback over the phone. Clearing and blessing take about  2-3 hours per session (depends on the energy and the size). If once is not enough, one follow-up clearing session is included.
– Please send pitcutures of the house from the outside, entrance area, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, hollway, reception, eacn bedroom and any other room you have.
Please note – Clearing mainly thoughts and emotional residues from live and dead people, and other elementals. If we detect any heavy demonic or psychic attack, we will place a protection scield and such in the space but we won’t deal with the demonic energy itself. You will learn how to protect your space and your energy in separate sessions, and change your patterns and energies to get rid of the demonic energies by changing yourself.

Residential Space
– Up to 1 bedroom flat or house(Eg 1 reception and 1 bedroom): from £1500
– Up to 2 bedroom flat or house(Eg 1 reception and 2 bedrooms): from £1800
– Up to 3 bedroom flat or house(Eg 1 reception and 3 bedrooms): from £2200
– Large house or flat with more than 3 bedroom – please contac us.

Office Space
– Up to 30 sq2 meter: from £1500
– Up to 60 sq2 meter: from £1800
– Up to 90 sq2 meter: from £2500
– Over 90 sq2 meter large office – please contac us.

– Type 3  by Visiting 
– We will clear the energy and bless the space.
– This session intends to shift up the vibration in the space by clearing negative energies, stuck energies and more.

  • Space scanning, clearing and shield work
  • Remove invisible beings and clear negative energies, thought forms and more.
  • Light activation to the space
  • Work with holy water, angels and more
  • House blessing
  • any other required work

– While we are working, please leave the house with anything precious, your children and pets.
– It is recommended to receive a DNA Activation to raise your own vibration first.
– If your place is beyond zone 3 of London, you will be charged extra fee depending on how far it is.
– Our house visit is only during the afternoon.
– If you have any white carpet and don’t like it to be dirty, please remove it from the floor. We recommend you to wash it right after the session.
– Since we use various tools such as Holy water, you may need to clean up the house after the session (wiping mainly).
– If the case is serious, we may have to do a follow up session after.

– From @£700 for a small residential space, @ 1200 for a small office space.  Please contact us.

-Please book in advance and pay by bank transfer.
– After you book a session, please try not to think about the session and time, and focus on something else.
– For a remote session, we will call you for a brief feedback and suggestions if required.