Tag Archives: fear release healing

*March Newsletter- Corona Virus Prevention Channelled Guidance Video. March 10th Full Moon Meditation, 11th Zoom Group Healing to remove fear, 20th Spring Equinox Remote Galactic Session


How have you been? 

Corona Virus news is everywhere. Some people become very fearful and talk about it. We don’t really know what it is and the medicine for that is not ready yet. I would like to share a prevention guidance coming from the Hierarchy of Light and I created a quick video. You can watch it from here and it would be great if you could share it with your loved ones. Fear energy circulates quickly and we need to stop it. 


Fear = energy 
You may laugh when I was very young in my early 20s, getting on an airplane for a long distance to the US was very scary and I was bothering a travel agency, asking a question like “What if my airplane falls? What should I do?”. I don’t remember how she answered. At that time I was serious but how hilarious it is  now right?

Depends on where you are coming from and what you experienced, what you see, how you things are totally different. Two different people, for example, can give a totally different view on the same thing, let’s say including Corona Virus. 

Human is designed to feel emotions such as fear and worries. If we don’t manage our emotions, your life would be managed by something else, like Corona Virus as Virus has its own intelligence and has its power to invade you if you allow them, and to write over your system, that’s why some people may be dead, however, that is not the only reason.

Learn bow to manage your emotions, energy and become a master of your life.

Class 1’s energy management is your life management tool (once you finish, you will be able to receive a class 1 attendance certificate within the assignment completion within 5 months). Class 2 is the tool for you to manage your emotions and evolve your consciousness, which comes with the universal wisdom learning to apply to your life and make a change in life. Or receive a Quantum Psychosomatic and Emotion Detox session. 

If you don’t do anything with your emotions, or deal with emotions only on the superficial level, they would be still sitting there operating in the back to create your reality based on that. Girls who came in the other day realised how deeply seated anger and fear emotions were still there without their awareness. 

Mercury is still retrograding till March 7th-ish so be aware of checking emails, text messages, public transportation disruptions, etc.  This is a good time to retrospect what is going on within you. 

★ March 10th Full Moon Meditation-  Regain Your Feminine Power on the Virgo Full Moon in Pieces month. 
February’s Leo full moon meditation focused on regaining your power. In March, we will focus on the feminine power. If your feminine energy is imbalanced,  for example, it would not be easy to attract a desirable male partner or build a good social network. This event is both for guys and girls. 
Further details and booking is from here. ——————————————-

★11th Wed night – Online Group Guided Healing Energetic Session – Get Healed and Release Fear, Fear of Success including the prevention against Corona Virus

So much fear is out there triggered by Corona Virus.

However, is it the Corona virus people are fearful? Are you also fearful about other things? Is it triggered by some events or memories happened to you in the past?

It is a handy guided meditation before you go to bed.

★26 DNA Activation – to awaken your gifts and power  –   Private session. 
I am now writing a script for the coming online broadcast about my experience of the DNA Activation. I realized how powerful it is after I had received it in 2006. Major 8 dreams came true I realized. (immigration, visa, soulmate, life style, time freedom, etc.)

If you haven’t received it yet, it is highly recommended to receive it. 
If you received it before, it is recommended to upgrade to 40 DNA activation to receive to power up your creation power.

Details is from here.  


★Quantum Psychosomatic Emotion Detox Session
This quantum psychosomatic session works on you 360 degree (mind, emotions and body), including this life and past life. After detoxing, you will have time to restructure your energy. 

Vibrational and psychological work is like a very new concept I think but it is essential. That’s why in this session, it is integrated. It works on the vibrational level and you may not even realise how it is working. 
For further information, you can find it from the link below.


Have a good week, and look forward to seeing you soon. 

☆Offers  and Events
– please check and book your seat from the what’s on page, details from the link here..