Forget hiding behind the sofa, the Royal family needed a bullet-proof vest as Harry and Meghan let rip (msn.com)
*This is just my personal view at the moment.
Meghan and Prince Harry
I don’t know how tough it was about what Mehgan went through but she has a full of victim consciousness. What she claims may be true from her point of view, but spiritually she created the situation and does not take responsibility for the consequences, though I’m sure there were so many unfair things that happened to her.
For example, I’m not traditional enough, and I cannot belong anywhere too conservative and too traditional, so the royal family can’t be my choice to be welcomed as a daughter-in-law, even how wonderful the Royal family is. The royal protocol would probably suffocate me. They stay Royal and I choose my path, which is more peaceful, no dramas.
I don’t know how much she knew about the Royal family life style’s restrictions, but she has a vibe of ‘I’m not good enough’ covered with narcissism and has a full of drama energy for an attention-seeking.
Think about it, when Will Smith came to London, I didn’t see any hatred or criticism of him at all. He was so welcomed. Same black Americans. Why was he accepted but why wasn’t she accepted?
I know a couple of guys who are British black but they are very popular among men and women from all sorts of different races and nationalities.
When Donald T, a white guy, came here, so many protests were happening in the UK, even though he is white.
It’s easy to blame the skin colour as being discriminated against, but at the deep bottom, it is not the skin colour, but PERSONALITY, which is the energy people feel. Whether a person can be trusted or not, not messing around, not deceiving, safe or not, etc. that is the first thing people check each other, even without talking about it. It just comes as an impression and a vibration. People are not that stupid. People check others’ behaviours quietly and judge whether they can trust others or feel safe or not.
She said she didn’t get support from the Royal family but the Royal family said there was the same support available when Kate got married.
This just tells me that Meghan was not earning support. People would not give support unless they see ‘something’ there, quite often, especially even risking their positions. I assume there may be a part of Meghan puts off everyone else in the palace and maybe because of that, she didn’t get support. Just an assumption. However, everyone was welcoming her at the beginning, according to Harry. Again, it’s not skin colour, but can be a way or communication, and personality but Oprah didn’t ask any insightful questions to them to think about their own responsibilities on all the consequencies.
I’m not white but some people still like me but some others may not, but it may be because of my skin colour as racism or it could be a personality incompatibility, which I don’t care about. I go for a personality and the way of thinking, not for a skin-colour and the class.
I feel so sorry for the Queen but she also needed to experience this as a lesson for the entire royal family. They should have checked thoroughly taking time more than a year if Mehgan could follow the Royal protocol or not including culture difference, her ambitious mind, class difference, personality compatibility, etc. before she was accepted. Especially the birth chart tells a lot about the person.
She could have addressed issues more in a diplomatic way, not so confrontational by bringing and exposing them to the media. Private life should stay private, and she just keeps burning all the bridges.
At the end of the day, she needs to take responsibility as she chose to marry Harry within only a year before confirming she will be ok with the Royal protocol. Her own consequences are happening but she is not taking responsibility. My prediction was it would not work as she is not compatible with Kate, William and even Harry fundamentally from the birth charts, and more than that because of her own family relationship troubles.
I personally don’t want her into my family and friends’ network. She seems to be a trouble maker though she may not be. Harmony and respect for other family members are not there. I think Prince Harry needed to think twice as many of his friends didn’t get on well with her, which is a sign (depends on a friend), and he is the prince, not an ordinary guy. Wherever she goes with whomever, it would not work with her current consciousness. Hope they will learn and move on, then there will be no more dramas and PR from the US.
However they don’t like the Royal family, they should still be humble and appreciate as they received million pounds of funding and support their LA life from the Royal family without them doing any Royal duties. If the Kingdom cuts out the funding, how would the young couple live in a million-dollar mansion in LA? They should start learning how to make a living on their own without complaining at the same time receiving funds.
Their patterns seem to be
– based on fear and narcissism, and
– demand that things HAVE to be done for their favours.
– no good communication among the family, but bring up personal issues to the public
– if not working in their way, sue others to win the case.
– they need to sell their negative personal stories to the media to claim they are right.
…. where is love, communication and respect?
BTS is a South Korean K-pop group and they massively became popular over 10 years.
They are the first non-western band who reached the US billboard top more than once.
They started receiving training 10 years ago and lived together in a tiny apartment together for 3 years long. Sharing the space, sometimes arguing, but they are known they respect each other and treat well.
If you go to Youtube, there are so many videos posted about them, their life, off-stage lifestyle, etc. You can find so much laughter and they are entertaining. I didn’t get into any Korean entertainment before but they are funny.
7 different guys still young between 23-29 years old, of course, they are still growing, ambitious, and their wants and needs get conflicted each other, as a normal thing but the beauty is they get together and have a meeting every time when they have troubles and issues each other and resolve them.
I was surprised to see these Korean guys were crying and those videos were posted to the public. Korean culture is very famous as a very chauvinistic culture (from my view), and I didn’t expect it but the generation is changing, maybe. They don’t hide it and I kind of like it as men should cry too if they want!
So, they never accuse each other in public and media, and you can see they gel each other really well and you can feel it from their songs and dances. There are many humorous videos about them and how they are playful with each other and have fun in practices, travels, shooting, and even on the actual stage performances.
They are so open to talk about what they have gone through and put them into their lyrics as they think many other people probably go through similar situations and issues like them and encourage them.
They are very down to earth and I just found out you will get a lot of fan service if you go to their concerts. Various fun entertainments are there on site. BTS is famous they treat their fan really well, and it is not only for money-making.
What I sense from them are
– choose love, not ego, not fear, not competition, no narcissism.
– respect each other’s differences and love each other.
– they take care of themselves knowing their own limit.
– not pretending they are someone else like a celebrity. Very much they are who they are and down to earth.
– communicate among them and find a solution.
– they wear masks and care for others not to get contracted.
– help and support each other, especially other members’ weakness, not blame others.
– and more than anything else, they practised hard 12-16h a day and earned their success taking over 10 years.
You may think it is a cultural difference. Of course, there is a cultural and environmental difference. But the question is, what is more comfortable for you beyond skin colours and cultures?
If you choose someone to become friends, who will you choose?
We can even learn from that choice you make as it reflects your own important values.
How to improve your communication, relationships and life?
Have you ever thought about,
– If Mehgan was brought up by Korean parents in Korea?
– If BTS members were brought up by American parents in the US?
What changes may be possible?
Many of our personality and way of thinkings are shaped by how we were brought up and how we interpret it.
If you want to make a change in life, you can change yourself, not others, especially you can learn from the relationship with your parents.
For further information, you can have a look from here.
★Awaken Your Divinity Within Programme 1 – Secret Message from a Difficult Relationship with Your Parents Course | Galactic Federation Light Worker School (gfls.co.uk)
Have a good day.