New Menu and Courses




How have you been? How are things with you?
How is 2016 Year for you so far?

I’m back in London after a long good break and you can book sessions and classes.

This year 2016 will be accelerating changes for you to make a suitable transformation though you may feel difficult if it is manifested as a very much a challenging way. In order for us to make a good transition, making a sound judgement and taking a suitable action are very important.

If we are under evil spirit and attachment influence, which is often the case, it would not be easy to make a sound judgement and take an action, though many people are not aware of being influenced by these beings. In order to stop an interruption from any other beings and select your diving path and as best as possible, what is important is to become connected with your inner divinity and learn the Principle of Life.

Our website is still being updated but this year, Spirit Release, Black Magic Removal and Ancestral Healing sessions are all closed. Why? It is more important for you to learn how to transform your energy, change your mental and emotional patterns and create space for your Light to radiate from within, which eventually expels all the attachments, spells, ancestral karmas and attract more positive opportunities in finance, career, relationship, health and more. To support you, there is a special Light Body Transformation Workshop on March 10th.

This year’s focus will be more on how to manifest your divine self and go along with your divine path continuously, and even to shift to the next level. While having a break. I have added new menu working together with the Galactic Federation as below but not limited to;

New Menu

‐ Quantum Release ofEmotion and Energy Blocks, & NLP Manifestation Coaching Private session:
his is to release and cancel unwanted energetic ‘contract’, past life karma and energies, clear attachments and negativity, and strengthen your divine essence and divine energy to become True-you. This is highly recommended even after you had a DNA Activation.

Soul Awakening Basic Course  – Life Make Over Basic Course to Become “Divine You”

Sound and Crystal Healing – Powerful Clearing session and Light Injection

 Healing and Massage – to work on your physical body to ease stress and tension, and Heal you in an integrated way.  

‐ March 10- Light Body Mantra, Neck & Shoulder Pain Release Self Care Massage and Kaballah Coaching

– Guide / Higherself Connection, Angelic work, Healthy body Creation and Body work and more.

March 10th– Special Workshop to create “Light Body and Attract Opportunities”
– There is an early bird offer and please find the details from the link below.

Bookings and Hours
– For a time being, hours is changed. Sun and Mon will be closed, Face to Face session will be available every other day, and evening session will be finished by 20:30.
– Please find the update from the Contact page.

Looking forward to meeting you again.
