Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
– Anyone can receive.

“People are disturbed not by events, but by the views that they take of them. Individuals are responsible for their own actions, which they can examine and control through rigorous self-discipline.”
(Epictetus, Greek Philosopher, AC. 135
What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)?
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) has been tested and recognized as a highly effective, economical and psychological therapy with a behaviour change process, compared to conventional counselling and psychotherapeutic interventions. As CBT focuses more on generating changes and aiming to improve mental conditions and behaviours in a structured approach rather than just talking in a free format which is often seen in conventional talking therapies. CBT is scientifically proven to help people overcome a wide range of personal challenges and reduce the symptoms of physical and emotional disorders and challenges.
The basic principle of CBT is that how we think can affect how we feel, how we behave and how we live our lives. CBT is not a free-format talking therapy, counselling or psychotherapy approach and we don’t just continue to talk randomly till the end of the session. This session is structured and during the initial session, we will decide how we are going to proceed for the subsequent session in terms of type of session, frequency, and the number of sessions.
The nature of Our CBT session
Our CBT is a collaborative session and you will actively get involved in a transformation process. If you are not ready to actively get involved in making changes, set goals and practise what you have decided to change your life weekly, we recommend you book non-CBT sessions.
Scientific studies show that sessions involving behavioural activation/changes are more likely to bring changes in your life. If you would like to make a change in your life proactively, please find the details below step by step and let us know which session you would like to book.
CBT can help you with but are not limited to:
– Anger or hostility
– Anxiety and stress
– Bulling and Assertiveness
– Depression
– Dysfunctional behaviours and habits
– Emotional problems
– Financial issues, low-income issues.
– Insomnia
– Lost job
– Lost love, divorce
– Narcissistic abuse recovery
– Obsessions and jealousy
– Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
– Public Speaking and Presentation Anxiety
– Sociopath abuse recovery
– Toxic parental/relationship recovery
– Sexual and Relationship Problems
– Weight Loss
What happens in a CBT session?
Your session will be confidential and take place in a quiet environment in central London or online. During a session, you will learn to look at your thoughts and beliefs about yourself, the world and other people and to understand the link to your beliefs, emotions, behaviours and physical reactions.
A list of problems you want to address will be developed in therapy but at each session, you will be focusing on one major issue you want to solve. Alongside this, you will also develop realistic goals you would like to achieve. CBT sessions are structured but clients can talk about anything.
By making links between what you do, think and feel, CBT can help you make changes in the way you think (Cognitive). Making changes in how you think will affect how you feel and how you behave (Behaviour). Similarly, vice versa, changing what you do, affects the way you think and feel. Making these changes can then help you feel better.
CBT may focus on what is going on in the present rather than the past.
At the end of each session, you may agree to do a brief “homework” to put into practice what has been discussed and make a new habit for your positive transformation. This may be writing a diary or trying out a coping exercise for a specific situation. This is an important part of the process and the results will be discussed at your follow-up appointments. You will set a goal to make a change and you are responsible to take action and learn how you make a change.
Style of Session and How to Deal with Possible Obstacles.
The style of session is ‘collaborative’, which means that you are actively involved in the process. Feel, see, hear and notice what you sense and share. Your views, sensations, response, and reactions are important in order to proceed sessions and their progresses. We work together to find the best solution for you so that you learn a set of new principles to replace old patterns of thinking and behaviour that you can apply whenever you need to. Effectively you learn to become your own therapist.
You can express your emotions and beliefs freely irrespective of your social status and position, just be YOU. It is a good process to learn you are only a human being and you may not be perfect and face your weakness and limitations which you may be fearful.
We offer a supportive environment for you to overcome your challenges, move forward, and achieve your goals.
Standard flow
– It is a weekly session, from a minimum of 3 sessions, or 6, 9, or 12 sessions.
– Once you finish a course and would like to work on something else/different agenda, please book an initial assessment session for each different topic.
This session/course is for people:
– Actively engage in a session in thinking and feeling with an open mind.
– Willing to make changes, set goals to practice what YOU decide, however small the first step is and take action.
If not, please book other non-CBT sessions. The main focus is for you to explore, think and decide how you want to create your life with your free will in CBTE sessions. It will cultivate the attitude that you are the director of your life creation, nobody else.
Session Outline and the procedure
– Please book the first session a minimum of 2-5 days before your preferred date.
– Please book the first session, read the following description, and think about what changes you want to make and which energetic session you would like to have mainly.
– After you had the initial session, you can book a minimum of 3 CBT/CBTE sessions, or you can choose other sessions.
1) 1st session by Skype/phone/face-to-face : 60-70 minutes
– During the initial session, a thorough assessment will be conducted to understand your mind, your emotions, your background, and life event to understand your core beliefs and values.
– After the assessment in the initial session, you will receive a guided mindfulness meditation to create a safe psychological space for you and ease anxiety or depression if needed and if time allows.
– After the assessment, we will decide how we are going to proceed to support your transformation collaboratively (session frequency and duration).
2) 2nd session onward by Skype/face-to-face: CBT for 50 minutes
Session fee: Weekly/bi-weekly session – Summer time offer is available.
– Within 48h of your appointment, the payment should be made by PayPal.
– Please email us with 2 or 3 preferred times and dates for the initial session.
- First online/phone 60-70-minute session – £35 by bank transfer (By PayPal £40) (Standard fee £70).
- Subsequent online 50-minute session – £45 by bank transfer (By PayPal £50) (Standard fee £80).
- Subsequent face-to-face 50-minute session – £85 by bank transfer (By PayPal £90) (Standard fee £120).
Venue: If not online.
– Bond Street (5 minutes walk)
– Moorgate/Bank station (3-5 min walk)
– Online: Please let us know your Skype name.
About treatment effect
– How you sense the effect is varied as individual senses vary.
– Treatment is not a medical surgery and we are not in a position to guarantee any symptoms to be cured fully. If you have any mental and/or physical illnesses, please continue to see your doctor.
– If you have any medical problem and are under certain medication, please obtain your GP’s approval first before having a treatment before your booking. We cannot be held responsible for your health conditions.
Cancellation & Rescheduling policy.
– All the bookings should be made in advance with advance payment. – 50% charge within 48h of your appointment, and 100% charge within 24h of your appointment.
– With Farringdon only – After 4 pm on weekdays, £40 charge within 8 days of your appointment, 50% charge within 48h of your appointment, and 100% charge within 24h of your appointment.
– We will try to book a suitable room as much as possible with less restriction but if your therapy location falls into Farringdon, please be aware of this cancellation policy of 4 pm on weekdays. If you don’t want to book Farringdon, a room selection may be limited but please notify us.
– Since your session will be conducted as scheduled, please arrive on time. If you are late, you will lose your time.
For your information – The history of CBT
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy was developed in the 1950s by Albert Ellis a psychotherapist. Ellis developed ‘Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) as a way to understand and overcome emotional disturbance. According to Ellis’s theory, people not only get upset by problems but also form strong views about reality in relation to their perceived beliefs about that problem. If these beliefs are irrational or self-defeating, the result can be unhealthy for their emotional and behavioural function.
Aaron Beck an American Psychiatrist further developed Ellis’ work in the 1960’s. Beck created the term Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). According to Beck patients suffering from depression magnified negative thoughts and minimized positive ones. Thus, Beck’s CBT aimed to alter this distorted way of thinking to change a patient’s emotional and behavioural states.
Client feedback
‘I feel calmer. Thank you.’
(Asian male, 30s, design, Aug 2023 )